SJS Tuition Information


St. Joseph Catholic Church graciously supports our school to assist Catholic parents in fulfilling their primary responsibility to raise their children in the Catholic faith. St. Joseph School is funded through three sources: tuition, donations, and parish subsidy. At SJS, we know both the great value of a Catholic education and the challenge that tuition can sometimes be. Our goal is to keep our school affordable for any family that is committed to a Catholic education for their child(ren) while maintaining our mission to educate our students to become their best possible selves. 

Out of justice to all parents and the parish community, parents are expected to keep tuition payments up to date. All parents and guardians are responsible for tuition and other fees charged by the school. The school business manager will review the tuition records regularly. Student report cards will not be released if the tuition account has an outstanding balance. In addition, the school reserves the right to take further action, up to and including dismissal, if tuition payments are not made in a timely fashion. 

St. Joseph School requires all families to establish a FACTS Tuition Management account during the enrollment process, regardless of the payment plan selected.  After completion of the enrollment process, families can access their FACTS account via their Family Portal login. 


  • Monthly payment plan options are available for 9-, 10-, and 12-month payments. Monthly payments are made by automatic bank draft or credit card. 

  • Yearly and semi-annual plans are due on August 15th for yearly plans or August 15th and January 15th for semi-annual plans. 


Registration for the 2025-2026 academic school year OPENS FEBRUARY 3 at 10 AM.

A non-refundable registration fee of $125.00 per student is paid at this time.

TUITION FOR 2025-2026


Thirty (30) hours of volunteer work or a school support payment of $900 (or $30 per hour) is required of each family per year.

For more information about tuition and financial aid, please contact Mrs. Cathy White, School Business Manager, at 501.329.5741 or email at