St. Joseph School is deeply committed to ensuring the safety, security, and well-being of its students, faculty, and staff, as well as alumni, parents, and guests who participate in the many activities that we sponsor. The school does not tolerate discrimination, sexual abuse, sexual activity, hazing, or bullying, whether perpetrated by adults or students.


As of July 1, 2017, the Diocese of Little Rock uses CMG Connect, a safe environment training program developed by our risk management company, Catholic Mutual Group (CMG). The background check is run based on the information entered into CMG Connect. For the background check, please note that the information you provide online is encrypted and cannot be shared with anyone else, and no paper copies are retained.


All dioceses in the United States are required to provide safe environment training for children and youth. This is not “sex education.” Rather, it is age-appropriate information for children and youth so they can know how to help create safe environments for themselves and what to do when they feel that a certain environment is not safe. For our children and youth, our diocese uses Circle of Grace, a program developed by the Archdiocese of Omaha and endorsed by Catholic Mutual Group. For more information about the Circle of Grace program, please contact your local parish or school safe environment coordinator. For more information, see the Circle of Grace brochure.


The Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting children and young people. If you are aware of abuse or have been abused by clerics, Church workers, or volunteers, please call the State of Arkansas Hotline for Crimes Against Children at 800.482.5964. Then, after reporting it to the state, please email Deacon Matthew Glover, Chancellor for Canonical Affairs, or call him at 501.664.0340, ext. 361. For victim assistance, e-mail Laura Gottsponer, LCSW, Victim Assistance Coordinator, or call her at 501.664.0340, ext. 425.


If you prefer to report abuse to the diocese by mail, please send a letter to Laura Gottsponer, LCSW, Victim Assistance Coordinator. Or address your letter to Deacon Matthew Glover, Chancellor for Canonical Affairs. See addresses below.

Laura Gottsponer, LCSW
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Diocese of Little Rock
P.O. Box 7565
Little Rock, AR 72217-7565

Deacon Matthew Glover
Chancellor for Canonical Affairs
Diocese of Little Rock
P.O. Box 7565
Little Rock, AR 72217-7565


For pastoral assistance, please email or call the victim assistance coordinator, Laura Gottsponer, LCSW, at 501.664.0340, ext. 425. For more information, visit the Diocese of Little Rock Safe Environment Program or the U.S. Bishops' Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.