What's happening . . .

March 13:

  • Baseball Indian Classic @

    Poyen High School

  • 9:00 PM, 4th Grade Play, Ranita the Frog Princess

  • 5:00 PM, Soccer (G/B) vs. MOUNTAIN VIEW @

    Mountain View High School

March 14:

  • Third Quarter Ends

  • 2:50 PM, Stations of the Cross (Grades 4-12), SJ Church, Join us in prayer!

  • 3:00 PM, Stations of the Cross (K-3), Elementary Cafeteria, Join us in prayer!

  • 4:30 PM, Baseball vs. Sacred Heart @

    Curtis Walker Park

  • 4:30 PM, Softball vs. Sacred Heart @

    City of Colleges Park

March 15:

  • Baseball Indian Classic @

    Poyen High School

  • Quiz Bowl SR High Regionals

March 17:

  • St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser (details below)

  • 9:15 AM, Middle School St Patrick's Festival

  • 4:30 PM, Baseball/Softball vs. Bigelow @ Anne Watson Elementary Schoo1

March 18:

  • Pre-ACT (10th)

  • 4:30 PM, Softball vs. Joe T. Robinson @

    Joe T. Robinson High School

  • 5:00 PM, Baseball vs. Atkins @

    Atkins High School

  • 5:00 PM, Soccer (G/B) vs. Conway Christian @

    Conway Christian School

March 19: 5:00 PM, School Board Meeting

March 20:

  • 4:30 PM, Baseball vs. Conway Christian School @

    Curtis Walker Park

  • 4:30 PM, Softball Home vs. Cutter Morning Star @

    City of Colleges Park

March 21:

  • Preschool Spring Fling

  • 2:50 PM, Stations of the Cross (Grades 4-12), SJ Church, Join us in prayer!

  • 3:00 PM, Stations of the Cross (K-3), Elementary Cafeteria, Join us in prayer!

*Please note: Baseball, soccer, and softball games are subject to change due to weather.

School Announcements

The Arkansas Educational Freedom Account (EFA) program provides students in grades K-12th with state funded accounts to cover approved educational expenses, including private school tuition. For the 2025-26 school year, all students in grades K-12th are eligible for these funds, and it is not income based, so all Arkansas residents are eligible to apply. The 2025-26 application is now OPEN. We encourage all SJS families to apply.

  • To start the application process, visit https://dese.link/efa and click on the application link.

  • You will be asked to create a new FACTS account. This will be a separate FACTS account than the FACTS account you currently have at SJS.

  • Select 2025-2026 term.

  • The application questions and required documentation will be different based on if they are a new or returning student.

    • If a family just has returning students, they will not have to upload any documents.

    • If a family includes both returning and new applicants, they will only be required to upload the age verification for the new students (birth certificate, passport, etc).

    • If a family only has new applicants, they will be required to upload residency verification and age verification.

  • You will be asked to enter your child's Social Security number. If your child does not have a SSN, the application will have instructions on what to enter.

  • Once your completed application has been submitted, FACTS will review your application, you should expect to receive notification of application status in about 10 days from time of submission.

St. Joseph School does not review the EFA application or verify age or residency. It is all handled through the AR Department of Education. If you have questions, reach out to Mrs. Heathscott, 501-513-6808.

ACE Scholarships applications for those seeking financial assistance for the 2025-26 school year are now open through April 15th. This scholarship is available for students in K-12th grade and is based on family income. The link for more information, financial guidelines and the application can be found at https://www.acescholarships.org/become-a-scholar/ .

St. Joseph High School Baseball, Soccer, and Softball seasons have started! For the spring sports calendar, visit SJS Events, and make plans to come out and cheer on the Bulldogs!

Want to be a game sponsor? Sponsorships are a huge benefit in making our Athletic Program survive. Here are the links to sign up! Go Bulldogs!

Questions? Reach out to Coach Davis, Athletic Director

PTO News

The PTO has two more events coming up this semester.

  1. LADIES NIGHT OUT on Friday, April 11th 7:00-10:00 PM! This event will be 21 & over. All ladies are invited, so bring a friend or relative! There will be a DJ, dancing, drinks, & snacks! We will have a silent auction that will include class art projects from the St. Joseph students K-12. We will have a few baskets for raffle, as well. Tickets are $40/person and can be purchased through the school Venmo (@st-joseph-school). If you need an alternative payment method, please contact Jalissa Allison at 501-514-0965. Volunteers

    are needed to help with raffle, silent auction, setup/cleanup, and men for bartending. This is an excellent way to finish up any service hours you may need- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4AABAB2CA0FC1-55581271-ladies#/

  2. Bowling Night on May 9th! We have a limited number of spots, so please reserve yours as soon as possible. Payment can be sent to any school office with the names of those attending (no Venmo). It will be $13/person for 2 hours of unlimited bowling & shoe rental. Please include shoe sizes on the sign up!  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4AABAB2CA0FC1-55581457-family#/

If you have questions or want to get involved, email PTO@SJBULLDOGS.ORG.

Volunteer Opportunities

Youth Ministry/Parish News & Events

Questions about Youth Ministry Events, contact Amy Testone at atestone@sjbulldogs.org. For more Youth Ministry news, visit www.sjparish.org.

Knights of Columbus

Mark your calendars! Lent is almost here, and that means LENTEN FISH FRYS at the KC Hall!