St. Joseph High School 9th grader Olivia Brewer recently won awards for her showings of a registered Beefmaster Heifer. "Maybelle" was named Grand Champion at the Faulkner County Fair in September and later earned 2nd and 3rd Place ribbons at the Arkansas State Fair.
A member of the Vilonia 4-H Club for one year Olivia says she's gained a lot from that organization. "I've made new friends and found the joy that comes from winning something you've worked hard for," she said. Olivia's had her cow about 18 months and shows it as often as two or three times a week. Much time is spent giving it hay, water, and preparing it for what judges expect to see. "If I don't put in the time caring for her she's not going to look good," Olivia added.
"Maybelle" is kept at the home of her grandparents, Larry and Marguerite Brewer, who have several herds of cattle. The cow has already been bred and its first calf is expected in May. Olivia has grown close to her animal but understands what eventually has to happen. She's seen here with her parents, Ben and Leah Brewer.

Girl Raises Prized Heifer
October 23, 2023