High school art teacher Penny Bassham recently announced her top three entries from the 8th grade class in the annual Peace Poster Contest sponsored by the Conway Evening Lions Club. This year's theme is "Journey of Peace." Eligibility for national and international competition requires entrants be in the 11-13 year-old age group.
Student voting put Matthew Setier's poster in 1st Place. Second Place went to Joshua Trantina, and Kaitlyn Kordsmeier was judged the 3rd Place entrant. Because the top two selectees had already turned 14, Kaitlyn's poster will represent St. Joseph School in the upcoming District competition and beyond.
At those levels, each poster is judged on originality, artistic merit, and expression of theme. The International Grand Prize Winner, which will be determined early next year, will receive a $5,000 cash award and an engraved plaque.
Peace Poster Picks
November 19, 2019