St. Joseph High School junior Caleb Grigg is currently in the running to win the State Competition of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (V.F.W.) annual Voice of Democracy scholarship program that began in 1947. Each year, upwards of 30,000 high school students nationwide compete for more than $2,000,000 in scholarships and incentives by writing and recording an audio essay on a patriotic theme. This year's topic is "Is America Today Our Forefathers' Vision?"
Caleb was judged the winner of the local Jesse W. Grisham VFW Post 2259 contest in November for which he was awarded $150. He also won 1st Place at the District 6 level and will receive another $150 award at ceremonies to be held January 18th at the Disabled American Veterans Building in Conway. This automatically enters him into the State Competition with other District winners. If Caleb succeeds there, he'd be entered into the National Competition where the winner would receive a $35,000 scholarship to the university, college, or vocational school of his choice.
Seen here, with Caleb, are (left) Kevin Walburn, Quartermaster of VFW Post 2259 and Thomas Holt, the Commander of that Post.