Ava Piraino, a St. Joseph School 8th grader, had her artwork selected to represent the school in the 2020-21 Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest. High school art teacher Penny
Bassham works with the Conway Evening Lions Club each year by tasking her 8th grade students to participate. This time, the contest theme was "Peace Through Service."
Lions International released a statement in which it said "Lions have provided an important reminder to the world that, through service, we can give and receive so much--joy, kindness, hope, and PEACE. This year, young people have the opportunity to express their visions of peace through the lens of service."
Students aged 11-13 were eligible to participate in the contest.Their entries are judged on originality, artistic merit, and expression of theme. They're entered at Lions Club District and State levels and ultimately Internationally if they make it through the earlier judging rounds. The contest is truly international as there have been many past winners from China, Peru, South Africa, Brazil and other countries along with the United States of America. The International Grand Prize winner, which will be determined in early 2021, will receive a $5,000 cash award and an engraved plaque.
Peace Poster Contest Entry Chosen
November 15, 2020