With Thanksgiving approaching, it's a time for people to give
thanks for their blessings. It's also a time when we should think of
those less fortunate than we are. Children at St. Joseph Middle School took
this message to heart recently after hearing a homily delivered by St.
Joseph Church Associate Pastor Father Joseph de Orbegozo. He spoke
last week about St. Martin of Tours, a former Eastern European soldier
in the Third Century A.D. who became an evangelist and Bishop. He's
remembered for his devotion to the poor and hungry,
Father Joseph also noted that there was only one lonely box of
non-perishable food in the church's food pantry donation box. He
challenged the children at Mass that day to help out the lonely.Fifth
grade boys and girls quickly took up the cause by promising to fill
the pantry box by the following week.They also challenged the 4th and
6th grades to join them.
Principal Matt Tucker's spirits were lifted when he learned of
this. "The students were actively listening to Father Joseph's
homily," he said. "We shall see what seeds have been planted and what
fruit will come to bear." As an added incentive, Mr. Tucker agreed to
have his hair cut and his head shaved by the grade donating the most
food. The kids would not disappoint. They collected more than 2,200
food items which the St. Joseph Missions Outreach Committee will
appropriately deliver. The fifth grade won the shearing honors and
followed through on November 18th. They had some help from
Administrative Assistant Julie Potts, 5th grade teacher Angie Rawls,
and Preschool teacher Carrie Simon who's a trained cosmetologist. She's seen here putting the finishing touches on Mr. Tucker's new chrome dome.
Food Collected for Needy
November 19, 2020