In 2018, Scouts BSA (formerly Boy Scouts of America) allowed girls to join the Cub Scouts. St. Joseph Church's Cub Scout Pack 78 consists of smaller Dens for different age groups.
Until this week, one Lions Den, led by Ms. Jeanne Lehmkuhl, included three Kindergarten girls; Elizabeth Lehmkuhl, Emma Morgan, and Leighton Sichmeller. It was the first year this Pack had a Den of girls. At their recent Pack Meeting held May 4, these girls received their Lion badges and bridged over to the 1st Grade Tiger Rank.
Some of the activities the girls engaged in included a service project with a Bear Den. The Bears demonstrated their woodworking skills by building a flower box.The Lions filled it with beautiful flowers.Their Den also visited a fire station and took part in a box car derby. "These girls were super fun, excited to learn, and are best friends," Ms. Lehmkuhl said. "I have really enjoyed being their Den Leader". (Leighton, Emma, and Elizabeth are seen in that order)

Lions Become Tigers
May 5, 2021