Student donations help pregnancy counseling center

   St. Joseph School students collected nearly $1,700 in donations for Conway's Life Choices, Inc. during the last term through the organization's "Change for Life" campaign. The money was recently delivered to Life Choices' offices for counting.
    Life Choices is a non-profit Pregnancy Resource Center established in 1980. It provides counseling and such services as free pregnancy tests, ultrasound confirmations, and answers to questions about parenting, adoption, and abortion.
    The "Change for Life" fundraiser began 18 years ago. Pocket change is collected, often in baby bottles, so contributors can visualize where the funds are going. St. Joseph School has been active in this campaign since its beginning.
    Life Choices Client Advocate Christina McNair received St. Joseph's donation shortly before school let out. It was spearheaded by high school religion teachers Phyllis Eubanks and Shade Gilbert and delivered by incoming senior Maggie Mooney, her 8th grade brother, Ransom, and incoming 3rd grader Ella Gilbert.