A groundbreaking ceremony for construction of the new St. Joseph High School took place June 30.

   St. Joseph School formally broke ground for a new 7th-12th grade high school building on June 30th. It will be a two-story, 39,000 square foot facility replacing the current structure built in 1951. The school's history goes back to 1879 along with the establishment of St. Joseph Church. Catholic priests from the Holy Ghost Order and nuns belonging to the Sisters of St. Joseph came here to serve many of the European immigrants who'd moved here in preceding years. For a long time, the school only went through the eighth grade.The remaining upper grades were added incrementally by 1930.
    The new building is going up on the site of the previous high school parking lot along College Avenue between Chestnut and Front Streets. It's been designed by H& N Architects,PLLC of Conway and the General Contractor is Nabholz Construction. Construction is expected to be completed in time for the start of the 2022-2023 school year. This is the first phase of the school's "Our Faith, Our Children, Our Future" Capital Campaign. The high school will be able to accomodate 300 students. Long term growth and additional construction will allow for 600 students, K-12.
   Besides the expected classroom space, additional amenities set for the high school include a spacious Student Union and a Black Box Theatre for dramatic and musical productions, along with various community events. There will also be biology, chemistry, and computer labs plus space for specialty classes.

 Seen above in the dirt turning ceremony are (left to right) Father Tony Robbins, Bishop Anthony Taylor, Principal Matt Tucker,  Architect Joanna Nabholz, Elementary Principal Courtney Pope, Middle School Assistant Principal Hannah Belew, Father Brian Cundall, and Nabholz Jobsite Superintendent Kenny Nahlen.