St. Joseph High School students conducted a canned goods drive on March 18 to help the needy. It was inspired by Ms. Jackie Elsinger, a junior high science teacher, and girls basketball coach Kay Lynn Hill. They wanted to do something in honor of St. Joseph Day which is on the 19th. As the foster father of Jesus and protector of his wife, Mary, St. Joseph is the patron saint of the Universal Catholic Church. Along with being the same for this church and school, St. Joseph is also revered by families, fathers, expectant mothers, travelers, immigrants, craftsmen, working people and others.
A "Jeans for St. Joseph" day was proclaimed which allowed students to wear jeans in place of regular uniform pants or skirts. In return, the students each donated two or more items of canned goods. This follows a long-time tradition in the Catholic Church going back to the Middle Ages when communities in the country of Sicily were hit by a devastating drought. The people there held prayer-devotions to St. Joseph in the hope of relief. When it came, they gave thanks by preparing tables of food some of which was given as alms to the poor.
In this case, at least 130 cans were collected which are going to Conway's Harbor Home. It's a faith-based restoration home for women who are coming out of the darkness of addiction. The residents there are given the chance to discover the root causes of their addictions and launch new lives of power, passion and purpose.