Three  High Schoolers Visit Paris and London

   Three St. Joseph High School students, along with social studies teacher Karen Davis, spent their Spring break in Paris, France and London, England.
   Joseph Foley, brothers Noah and Drew Decker and their father, Dan, made the trip through EF Tours. "They organize everything," Ms. Davis said.. "We had a tour director with us at all times along with local tour guides as necessary."
   "It was really nice to get out of the country for the first time ever," Noah said. "Seeing all of the palaces, museums, and artifacts was great." Joseph added it was a very fun experience. "My favorite part about it was the food," he said. "There were always new opportunities to try new things." Drew elaborated on the cuisine. "There seemed to be a lot of ham and pork on the menus. There were also lots of good desserts that had their own European twist."
When asked to compare Paris and London, Drew had a mixed reaction. "I liked the look of Paris better,  but the people in London were way more friendly." 

      In the photo above, the Deckers and Joseph Foley are seen with a ceremonial "Beefeater" guard at the Tower of London. They're officially known as the Yeoman Warders who in principle are responsible for looking after any prisoners in the Tower and safeguarding the British crown jewels.