Students in Ms. Eubanks class decorate a Jesse Tree for Christmas

   St. Joseph High School students in Ms. Phyllis Eubanks' religion classes are decorating a Jesse Tree this week. It's a family tree tracing the genealogy and salvation history of Jesus Christ beginning with Jesse of Bethlehem, the father of King David. It then follows His line of descent to His birth. The Tree of Jesse originates in a passage from the Book of Isaiah. Jesse was a poor farmer who had eight sons, the youngest of whom was David. 
  The Christmas tradition tied to the tree is that ornaments are added to it each day from December 1st-25th. Each one represents  a person or event from the Old Testament which leads up to the coming of Christ. Ms. Eubanks' students are placing the ornaments on a paper tree outside her classroom. 

  The student pictured is 7th grader Sydney Chambers