St. Joseph Elementary and Middle Schools started an incentive program this school year called "Saints in the Making." Principals Courtney Pope and Hannah Belew, with input from other Catholic Schools, wanted to create life-long behaviors which they call "holy habits." They decided to choose a virtue, a saint who exemplified it, and a Bible verse that would directly correlate with each ethic. Teachers soon began to single-out a few students who represented these ideals and honored them at monthly assemblies.
December's virtue was generosity, or giving "without counting the cost," and the saint was St. Nicholas. When the "Saints in the Making" were announced this week, an adult volunteer was also recognized by the elementary school. "Melinda Kordsmeier truly embodies our virtue and saint this month," Ms. Pope said. "She is so generous to our school, its students and staff. She spends her days with us volunteering as well as giving her heart and ears to listen to the kids' stories, complaints, or whatever is going on in their lives."
Volunteer Exemplifies Saint Nicholas
December 16, 2022