Both the Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams won.
Matthew Seiter and Kaitlyn Kordsmeier have best scores on August 29.
The Junior and Senior Class Officers have been selected.
Bulldog Golf Team Played Conway Christian August 25th
Our volleyball teams  won  two out of three sets with Dover
Students learned about constructive and destructive forces.
Our Lady Bulldogs play the Atkins Red Devils in volleyball in the first home games of the season.
The annual Booster Club Car Wash took place on August 20.
Our Bulldogs beat Quitman's Bulldogs on the golf course Monday.
Seven new teachers took part in a briefing on August 4
Our Senior Cheerleaders brought home nearly a dozen awards at NCA camp
Three new coaches to head basketball, softball,  and  boys soccer
Boys Basketball Coach Brent Bruich Receives Award
A basketball camp for 1st-7th grade boys and girls is being held this week.
St. Joseph receives check for winning 13th straight Kids Run.
Both 4th Grade Classes participated in "Ranita  the Frog Princess."
Abigail Simon and Trevor Jackson received that honor on May 12.
Olive wood Rosaries from Israel Are Given To Students
Sixteen of St. Joseph's 31 seniors are Honor Graduates
St. Joseph held it's graduation of high school seniors on May 15.