The Faulkner County Fair Parade went forward on Sept  21 despite rain.
St. Joseph's Boys Golf Team won the 2A-2 District Tournament on September 21st.
All three of St. Joseph's Volleyball Teams Win Big.
St. Joseph Girls Golf Team finishes third in the District Tournament.
Olivia Williams and Ethan Hambuchen are the Players of the Week
Bulldogs defeated Maumelle Charter in Golf on September 16th.
Our Bulldogs Defeat Quitman's in Golf Match
The Junior Girls and Boys Cross Country Teams Win at Recent Meet
Students raise more than $250 for earthquake relief.
St. Joseph Golfers played Quitman and Conway Christian on August 24th.
The Athletic Booster Club car wash has been deemed a success.
The St. Joseph Booster Club Car Wash is getting great response.
The St. Joseph Booster Club is holding a fundraising car wash today.
St. Joseph Girls Golf Team Win Big
Mark Elrod won the Grand Raffle Prize at the St. Joseph Bazaar
St. Joseph's 109th Annual School Bazaar kicked off on August 6th.
Juliana Ferrer recently received the Girl Scout Gold Award
Children attending the After School Program Summer Camp went to the Two Jj Ranch in Quitman recently.
After School Program Summer Camp Provides Valuable Experiences
A groundbreaking ceremony for construction of the new St. Joseph High School took place June 30.