Elementary Principal Matt Tucker was one of the early customers.

A student assembly line efficiently packaged the sausage biscuits. #SJSuccess

The FCCLA breakfast bag fundraiser began early this morning. Wrinkles was out in the gym parking lot attracting customers. #SJSuccess

FCCLA Breakfast Bag fundraiser today. Don't forget to stop by and pick up your pre-order. Bulldog spirit shirts today!

P/T Conferences today for K-6th 2:30-7:00pm
EARLY DISMISSAL today 1:20 K-6; 1:30 HS
After sch program is open 1:20-6:00pm

4th grader Aimsley Davis looks askew at an earthworm she was studying in Ms Gooch's class. She learned how important they are to nature. "They're engineers of our ecosystem," Ms Gooch says.

Our Lady Undoer of Knots! The MS held a prayer service this morning reflecting on how prayer can "undo" knots of sin. Special intentions were written and tied on the prayer board.

P/T Conferences today for HS 2:30-7:00 in parish hall.
EARLY DISMISSAL today 1:20 K-6; 1:30 HS
NO Mass today.

Jr Class takes PSAT today 8:00-11:00 in cafeteria. No school Mass today. HS Parent/Teacher Conferences 2:30-7:00pm in parish hall. EARLY Dismissal today!
K-6 1:20/HS @ 1:30

Mrs. Gooch's 4th grade learns about ecosystems with a worm lab.

Early dismissal Wed. & Thurs. this week. K-6 @ 1:20; HS @ 1:30. After School Program IS open 1:20-6:00 pm both days.

PTO jacket and 3/4 zipup samples
will be at the elementary campus
beginning 8:00 a.m. this Thursday

We enjoyed our visit Monday from AR superintendent, Vernell Bowen, & associate, Theresa Hall. Pictured with HS principal, Mrs. Wolfe!

Volleyball Dist. Tourn. Come out at 6:30, wear bulldog shirts/free admission & cheer our Lady Bulldogs on to state!

Welcome Catholic Schools of AR Superintendent today; Mrs. Vernell Bowen & Associate, Mrs. Theresa Hall!

BACK View of Cyber Cafe Sweatshirt:

Order your Cyber Cafe Shirts HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6FDNygpUrBp00Y2CFTccWpqEqRh2n7HmSQA0aJGGLArnm2Q/viewform

Lilly proudly wears her medal. This was her best time yet! #SJSuccess

8th grader Lilly Hill set another school record in her Cross Country division Oct 15 in Conway Invitational. She was clocked at 12:32 for 5th Place in her 2 mile run. #SJSuccess

Cheering on our Bulldogs!💜💛