Bailey Pope is wanting votes as well.
Kate Nabholz also wants to be a 4th grade rep.
Several Middle School students are campaigning for seats on the Student Council. Cherokee Jones is running for 4th grade rep.
Festival of Praise this Saturday!
Golf @ Cadron 4pm today. Volleyball @ Mayflower 4:30pm.
School Picture Day-Thursday, Sept. 8th. Put on your best BULLDOG SMILE!
Mrs. Rosalyn Williams invites middle school students to join drama club!
6th grader, Tyler Parker, amazes us with his artistic talent as Mrs. Chamoun teaches drawing on the right side of the brain!
Join Us Oct. 6th for John Michael Talbot!
Father receives the gifts.
Students in Ms Bacon's 3rd grade class brought the gifts to the altar.
Father Alfhones' homily dealt with being happy with what you have and sharing with others.
Father Alfhones' homily dealt with being happy with what you have and sharing with others.
Ms Carol Kennard and her musical ensemble perform at this morning's school Mass.
Jr/Sr Parent Financial Aid Mtg in parish hall 6-7pm, Wed, Sept. 7th
Volleyball at Home vs CCS @ 4:00pm-Come cheer on the bulldogs!
8th grader MIchael Shofner shows his catch from the same trip.
A number of families enjoyed their holidays outdoors. Freshman Chloe Lemley is seen here fishing for trout on the White River near Mt. Home.
Chess team registration forms due Wed., Sept. 7th to sign up for CHESS! See previous email.
Golf @ Cadron 4pm; Athletic Booster Club Mtg 7pm in gym. 9/6/16 Chess Team Registrations due 9/7.