KC FISH FRY tonight and Mar. 11th 5:30-8:00 @ KC Hall; 514 E. 6th St. Conway BUFFET-Adults $13.50, Seniors 65 & older $10, Carry-outs $12--Children 6-12 $6, Children 5 & under eat FREE!
almost 9 years ago, SJ Middle School
Elementary Stations of the Cross 8:30 a.m.---2nd McMillan leads.
almost 9 years ago, SJ Elementary
Stations of the Cross 4th -12th today at 8:15 a.m. in church.
almost 9 years ago, SJ Middle School
St. Joseph School has received a $500 grant from the Exxon Mobil Educational Alliance Math and Science School Grant Program.
almost 9 years ago, SJ High School
St. Joseph School has received a $500 grant from the Exxon Mobil Educational Alliance Math and Science School Grant Program.
almost 9 years ago, SJ High School
SJS Announces Mrs. Diane Wolfe as incoming high school principal for 2016-17 school year. Help us WELCOME MRS. WOLFE to the Bulldog family!
almost 9 years ago, SJ High School
Congratulations to Mike Prall for being honored with the President's Award. We appreciate all you do for SJS.
almost 9 years ago, SJ High School
Congratulations Landon Bruich on being awarded the Jim Banks honor.
almost 9 years ago, SJ High School
Congratulations Sarah Beth Briggler for winning the Father Beagan Award!
almost 9 years ago, SJ High School
Scott Davis with Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas presents safety tips to PreK-6 students via a magic show. Super fun learning!!
almost 9 years ago, Susie Freyaldenhoven
SJ PreSchool Open House/Registration Sunday, Feb. 28th from 1:00-3:00 at elementary campus.
almost 9 years ago, Susie Freyaldenhoven
Today Bill Gooch, a retired electrical engineer, came and talked to the fourth grade class about electricity. The students have been learning about circuits and Mr. Gooch was able to show the students how it all works from the power generating station to the local community. He was able to truly excite the students about this subject!
almost 9 years ago, Nicole Gooch
Elementary Stations of the Cross 8:30 a.m.---2nd Hiegel leads.
almost 9 years ago, SJ Elementary
Parent online surveys are DUE today! Please give us your feedback to help us improve and continue to serve our families.
almost 9 years ago, SJ High School
School Mass @ 9:00 a.m. All are WELCOME! Chess after school today.
almost 9 years ago, SJ Middle School
MS Science Club learns about the Bernoulli Effect!
almost 9 years ago, SJ Middle School
Fourth Grade Circuit Lab
almost 9 years ago, Nicole Gooch
Electricity Lab
almost 9 years ago, Nicole Gooch
Electricity Lab
almost 9 years ago, Nicole Gooch
Chess practice and MS Science Club after school today!
almost 9 years ago, SJ Middle School