CSW Celebrating our Community: Dress for Success today by dressing up-no jeans!
Collections for local shelters today.
Thank you, Christy & Jason Trantina for your work getting "Donut Man" here for Catholic Schools Week!
Such FUN today!!!
Loving our Elementary teachers volunteering in the concession stand tonight! Go Bulldogs!
Donut Man begins!
Basketball vs Sacred Heart at home 2 Jrs. 5:30pm
Catholic Schools Week! Jesus is OUR Superhero. Dress like a superhero today. Donut Man performs at 9:00 am
Warming up for Donut Man! Come on out at 2:00 for FREE family fun! SJ Parish Hall
DoNut Man 2:00 Parish Hall for all PreK-6th graders in the parish. Come join the FUN FUN FUN!
The Donut Man! Sunday at 2:00. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=fb0866ec2c&view=att&th=15279f5c3bcbd039&attid=0.2&disp=safe&zw
HOOKS-Helping Out Our Kids School Fish fry fundraiser & auction. 6pm Parish Hall
7th grade Jamboree Basketball at Nemo Vista. Schedule to be posted on APP news section.
Basketball vs Westside at Home--Sr. teams 5:30pm
Bowling @ All Family Bowl-Cabot 4:00-pm
KATV live in Cyber Cafe 6:00 a.m.
Pee wee games at Nemo Vista 5:30pm---
Chess Club meets today until 5:30
Bowling @ All Family Bowl Cabot-Varsity only vs Academic Plus 4:30
SJS Senior, Tia Massa, led the MS Science Club today in dissecting a sheep brain! We learned a lot!!! Thanks, Tia.
Art Ragin' Cajun- a family fun event! Saturday, February 6th 5-8. You don't want to miss 3rd Grade's quilt!!!
Kindergarteners celebrating the 100th Day of School!
Basketball @ Lisa Academy 5pm two sr teams