"Where Are You, Mr. Rabbit?" SJMS performed Alice in Wonderland on Nov. 18th. Thanks Mrs. Williams for directing this amazing production!
MS Drama Production: Alice In Wonderland tonight at 7pm in elem cafeteria! Free admission.
We love when Ms. Kami from Faulkner Co. Extension Office comes to talk to our 3rd graders. Learning about the parts of a plant.
The Middle School Drama Club performed "Alice in Wonderland" this morning in the Elementary Cafeteria for Preschool, Elementary and Middle School students. Public performance tonight.
Basketball @ Mt Vernon Enola 5:30 pm Jr. Boys & seniors. Pee wee games Saturday at Wonderview 10:00 a.m.
Middle School Drama Club performance for K-6 @ 9am. Public performance tonight 7pm in elem cafeteria.
4 pee wee Bulldog victories tonight against Hector!
SJMS principal, Mrs. Freyaldenhoven, presents 6th grader, Ruby Jones, a gift in honor of her fantastic job on Chopped Jr. last night. We are Bulldog proud!!
Mid term grades posted to Parent's Web. PSAT testing 9th grade 8-11 a.m. School Brd Mtg 5pm in HS library.
We're proud of our Cuisine Queen, Ruby Jones, who came in 2nd on the "Chopped Junior" cooking show on the Food TV Network. She made a great Thanksgiving meal! #SJSuccess
Chemistry student Brad Vandivere watches a salt crystal heat in a crucible to determine how much water is displaced from the "hydrate." #SJSuccess
Tune in to the Food Network tonight at 7:00 p.m. to cheer on our very own 6th grade chef, Ruby Jones!
Class group pictures today! Basketball @ Wonderview Jr. Girls and Seniors. 5:30pm
SJ Little Dribblers getting fired up before their UCA performance last night! 💜Bulldogs & Bears!
This visualization of "Deck of Cards" was done during the Veterans Day service at the high school. It was a WWII song about a soldier who tells how he uses cards to pray without a bible or prayer book
8th grader Mary Alex Lieblong has had her artwork chosen to represent our school in the Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest sponsored locally by the Conway Evening Lions Club. #SJSuccess
Little Dribblers perform at UCA at 6:00 p.m. Nov. 11th!
Sr. Play performance today for grades K-5 in Spiritan Hall at 12:45. Free admission for students/day performance. Public performance 7pm ($3 adults, $1 students)
Veteran's Day Service in SJ Parish Hall 9:00 a.m. ALL Veterans are invited!
A grandparents lunch of chicken spaghetti was served at the Elementary School on November 10. About 220 proud grandparents were there. #SJSuccessy