THANK YOU Piraino Consulting for our AWESOME new smart board in the Cyber Cafe! We love it!
"Once Upon Camelot" was performed twice on Nov 10 by the Senior Class. Grades K-5 will see it Friday afternoon and a public performance will be Friday night. #SJSuccess
Elementary Grandparents Lunch today!
Sr. Play performance @ 9:00a.m. for grades 6-7-8; 12:45 pm for grades 9-10-11. Students have free admission for day show. Public performance tonight at 7pm ($3 adults, $1 students)
Join us for school Mass 9:00 a.m.
Shop on Amazon via this link and Amazon donates FREE money to SJS
#StartWithaSmile at
Start your holiday shopping early!
SWOW-SJS teachers attended the "Schools Without Walls" technology conference in Hot Springs this week. They returned with fantastic new ideas for blending instruction & technology.
Lifting our great country up in prayer this evening.
Basketball vs Pangburn away 5pm; Jr. Girls and Srs
Veteran's Day service to honor our service men & women will be held Friday, Nov. 11th at 9:00 in St. Joseph Parish Hall. ALL VETERANs are invited! Spread the word.
Fall Sports Awards Ceremony 6-8pm in parish hall.
Mary and Jerry Hiegel watch as Deacon Jerry Joe Harrison blesses the gravesite of her parents. #SJSuccess
Father Tony blesses a mausoleum at St Joseph Cemetery on Nov 6 in honor of All Souls Day observed earlier in the week. #SJSuccess
Japanese-Americans who died in the camp or were killed fighting for the U.S. In the Nisei Battalion are honored in the cemetery. Michael Shofner found a marker for a dog one of the internees had.
Kinley Thessing stands by one of the exhibits at the Internment Camp Museum which shows what families had to endure because of their ethnicity. #SJSuccess
Cindy Castro and Megan McWilliams at cemetery near Rohwer,AR where Japanese-Americans were held captive in a relocation camp during WWII. #SJSuccess
WHITE OUT NIGHT!! Congrats to the Jr. Boys, Sr. Girls, and Sr. Boys on their wins tonight! 💜🏀💛 Thanks to all our fans and especially our students for cheering our teams on all night!
Nov. 4th @ 5pm in the Bulldog Gym!
We want our AMAZING FANS to show their support by wearing as much white as possible!
Bulldog Spirit Shirts today! Little Dribblers perform tonight at home.
Dr. Greg Simon & Rene Imboden, both SJS alumni, spoke to the students about careers in dentistry. Along with helpful information about the typical day of a dentist and dental assistant, Dr. Simon stressed the importance of maintaining good grades in order to get into Dental School.